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WANTED: An Alternative Identical To Hellotxt.? - Printable Version

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WANTED: An Alternative Identical To Hellotxt.? - Ms.Chutkus - 10-01-2012 01:36 PM

Hellotxt shut down recently, and though i had been using services like Plurk to post to my Facebook and Twitter profiles, i am desperately in need of a free service like Hellotxt.

I've googled them, found a few alternatives, the best so far being IFTTT, but the problem is, most sites like Sessmic, Hootsuite and etc., though allow you to post to a bunch of sites, if i want to post to twitter and facebook, they restrict me on my character limit. IFTTT just cuts off my long messages when posting on Twitter.
Hence i want a free site that is exactly like Hellotxt; that allows you to post to multiple platforms, and posts a link to a complete status when a status gets a little too long,(which is the case with me), without insanely restricting my character limit or cutting off my status.

It would be much appreciated, with a <3 and 10 points as a reward.
Please help!!! Sad

- shortplastic567 - 10-01-2012 01:44 PM

Then, there is no such free site available since it's not made one yet!

Good luck!