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What does it mean when belieber's (justin bieber fans ) say justin is secute and i just wanna fahug him mean? - Printable Version

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What does it mean when belieber's (justin bieber fans ) say justin is secute and i just wanna fahug him mean? - Laura - 10-01-2012 01:42 PM

Its always a trend on twitter and I don't get it . All the belieber say alot

- Nick - 10-01-2012 01:50 PM

"Justin Bierber is so cute and I want to FAWK his brains out of his bum-hole"

- agreeablevolcano327 - 10-01-2012 01:50 PM

secute = sexy / cute
fahug -= fornicate / hug

- Paige - 10-01-2012 01:50 PM

In this interview with Jimmy Fallon they asked Justin what he thought of Beyonce, and he said, she's "se...cute", because he wanted to say sexy, but realised that he couldn't because kids were watching.

- hollisterr12 - 10-01-2012 01:50 PM

Justin Bieber had a YouTube interview with Jimmy Fallon on June 21st where fans would submit their questions on what they would like to ask Justin Bieber during the interview. During the interview, Jimmy Fallon asked Justin Bieber "Who would you like to collaborate with?" as Justin Bieber paused for a moment and said "Beyonce. Shes secute". Beyonce Knowles is known as Justin Bieber's celebrity crush. Justin Bieber was about to call Beyonce Knowles "sexy" but to keep what he said appropriate he called her cute instead. After the interview several Justin Bieber fans were making fun of Justin Bieber for saying that Beyonce was "secute". Justin Bieber called his fans "sexy" on Twitter a few days after on June 24th