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I just want to be friends again? - Printable Version

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I just want to be friends again? - Jacob - 10-01-2012 01:45 PM

Let me just start off by saying that I've known this girl for a VERY long time. Since 3rd grade. (we're in 8th now. Things were going great.. we were starting our last year of middle school and everything seemed fine. Then, one day she started being REALLY quiet around me, and this continued for quite awhile. I let it slide for a few days, but then I suddenly realised enough was enough and asked her what was up. She texted a "..." . Then what do you know, the next day I see her and my other friend
talking and as I walked up to her she gave me the nastiest look I'd ever seen. After, that they walked away and left me feeling like I was the worst person in the whole world. I began to ask myself If I had dome anything wrong to her. "nothing." I kept thinking. For some reason, I kept telling myself that this couldn't be it and I must've done something wrong. However, I kept thinking and I realised I do ALOT of stuff for her. When no one invited her anywhere this summer, and she sat at home I invited her to the mall. When she felt like no one cared that she was moving school I told her that I cared and would fo anything fo her to stay. I eventually just talked to her parents and I pretty much just convinced them to let her stay. She thanked me alot that day. I also put up with all the crap she does to me. One time, I was talking to her and she felt like it was just OKAY act like a major (female dog :b). i just forgave her and moved on with my life and now that I think of it she NEVER apologized. All this made me feel really upset. She started to turn people against me and make them stop taliking to me too. My true friends, though, stopped with that crap and just decided to keep an equal friendship between the both of us. One of the main reasons this is becoming an issue is because my friends can feel the awkward tention between us during lunch and stuff. My good friend told me that she is doing all this simply because she doesn't like me. Which made me feel awful. She continued by saying that I bother her too much and that I'm kind of annoying. What a way to lighten up someone day -.- I guess the main reason I want to still be friends with her is because I remember all the fun times we shared together. I remeber the time she made me amini origami Pokeball for my birthday and said "for being an awesome person." And all the time we picked on and made fun of eachother. I'm willing to do anthing to fix this! I'll stop bothering her and become less annoying. The problem though is that SHE doesnt. It seems like she could care less. I texted her the other day saying how sorry I was for whatever I did and that I just want to be friends again. how did she respond? with "Honestly? ew. Stop." I found myself crying last night because of how it hurts me that she can abandon a 5 year relationship. SNAP. Just like that. I think I'm done. I unfollowed her on Twitter, unfriended her on FB and deleted her number. i just don't want to let go. My friends say I just need to move on. But I'm not ready. I'll miss her too much. Whay do you guys think? Am I just being stupid? Help and connections SOO appreciatef thanks.(this is the sister of the owner of this account by the way. ^.^)

- bird - 10-01-2012 01:53 PM

wow it really sounds like she actually used you cus she was a LONER lol no fence.. but she is just MEAN and cold to the bone.. i really think she mest up by just letting you go like that.. maybe she felt like you started liking her or all of a sudden she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided she was just "TOO GOOD" for you, look just leave it alone she is a female dog for turning all your friends against her like that is a really BITCH MOVE right there! you shouldnt feel bad and you are a guy! suck it upSmile but i really think you ended up liking her some way thats why you feel the way you feel. maybe she did too thats why you guys ended bad, you did the right thing by deleting her, AND dont forget she is a girl SHE will come back just ignore the fact she was even your friend you should be content you were a good friendSmile i hope this helps you.

- Miky - 10-01-2012 01:53 PM

Wow she is a b****. I'd be really mad and upset too!! I think you should confront her about this. Go up to her face to face and ask her what is wrong. If she doesn't want to tell you, forget about her.
Maybe she is a bit jealous of you???
Anyways, if she ignores you, ignore her back. Hang out with your other friends and act really happy and your normal self. She will probably then think about what she has been doing.
I hope things turn out for you! Smile