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Would u be offended if your best friend blocked you on facebook for this reason? - Printable Version

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Would u be offended if your best friend blocked you on facebook for this reason? - Mary - 11-09-2012 10:14 AM

am best friends with this woman because the reason we met was...her boyfriend was dating both of us an playing us both! However, after he went to prison for abusing her, she and I discovered we had a lot in common and bonded and have been best friends ever since. We promised each other on our friendship neither of us would ever talk to him again (for safety, too. They guy is dangerous)
Well recently she noticed I DO have some of his old friends on my facebook friends. Well today I got on line and noticed she blocked me! I asked her "what's up??" she said "well I asked my sister to log in and block you cuz I don't want him (the ex) finding a way to reach me. I just have to do that if you have some of his friends on there. It's no big deal ...its just facebook, you know?"
I can see her point I guess...BUT Im offended that she would tell her sister to do that when I hardly know her sister and now her sister probably thinks Im a bad person or siding with her ex or something! I never even thought about his friends on there I never talk to them! I told her I would have happily deleted's better then my own best friend blocking me and telling her family member to do it. Geeze how does this make me look to her family now??

- Kitty - 11-09-2012 10:22 AM

yes i will i mean it wasn't your fault of this guy asking both of yall

- smaxsx1 - 11-09-2012 10:22 AM

I can understand why she did it if as you say he was abusive etc she's probably scared and I would imagine is wondering if she can trust you now.
Doesn't matter if you know her sister or not she prob wants to be as far away as she can from anything to do with this ex as she can so maybe that's why she asked her to do it, if you don't talk to these friends why have them on there anyway, maybe you should delete them now and say how sorry you were .