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how do i report a cyberbullying on facebook? on of my brash friends is pushy to me? - Printable Version

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how do i report a cyberbullying on facebook? on of my brash friends is pushy to me? - i dont get mad,i get even - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

like he will order me to go to my timeline NOW! and things like this,if defriended him twice because he kept tagging photos and switching his photos into my albums,frankly i an AFRAID of not a teenager or an adult,im a senior citizen....hes 21.hes quite a braggart too.hes using his computer as a weapon.what do i do now? no stupid answers please,
i know youre going to say ditch him and delete him from the friends list,i am going to warn him to stop being so pushy OR ill cut him off permanantly.when i did this,i saw his angry responses of why did you cut me off your friends list

- Colinc - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

Just call the police. Simple.

- Sydney - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

Hey. That's terrible. You should block him and tell police right away.

- Aspen - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

call this number ! 1- 877-542-7233
1. it is not me so don't worry
2. it is a free #
3. they are a lot of help
4. there company name is Safe 2 Tell
5. you say hi, i would like to report _________ ( whatever problem you have)