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How to convince my mom to let me go out on my own? - Printable Version

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How to convince my mom to let me go out on my own? - xXNicole - 11-09-2012 10:15 AM

I feel like a lack a social life, even though I have a giant group of friends. But we only talk in school, on facebook, and occasionally visit each other's houses. The thing is, I'm 13, and nearly everyone I know can go anywhere they want by themselves with friends. My mom won't let me, and it pisses me off, because my brother said he started going out with friends on his own months before his 12th birthday. I have a phone. I'm not dumb, I know not to talk to strangers, or walk away from the group on my own. I know that when my mom wants me home at a specific time, I'll come home at it. I even raised up my grades in two of my worst subjects to hopefully convince her. Still, nothing. I don't know what to do anymore, I'm desperate. I just want a social life. Going out with my friends everyday after school, always having a plan for the weekends, just like my brother. I also have a cousin who lives in England. She's my age, and she has so many Facebook pictures of her and her friends hanging out at different places and doing stuff. It makes me feel anti-social, but in reality I'm really not. I have tons of friends. I just wanna expand that, and do stuff with them outside of school. And when I mean DO stuff, I don't mean message them on Facebook or something, I mean actually go outside and hang out.

Suggestions? Thanks.

- greengo - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

Congratulations, you have a mom who cares if you live or die, unlike lots of parents.
Perhaps you can hang out at "safe" areas such as the mall, if you have specific times you will be there with your friends.

- bigyard710 - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

You just need to tell her that you really want to spend time with friends and you promise you will be home on time.

You just need to start to build trust with her when it comes to going out, the more she trusts you, the more she will let you go out. Ask your friends if they want to go to the mall. Then what you do is ask your mom to drop you off at the mall, and tell her to just shop around while you hang out with your friends. Then when you are done, she can take you home, and you 2 will be in the same building at the same time so she has nothing to worry about. The more and more she trusts you the more she will let you go out. When you get older around 14/15 she will let you go out.

The best thing is is when you turn 15 you can get a part-time job so she will HAVE to let you go out (unless she doesn't let you get a job).

Good luck!