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What does twitter mean? - Printable Version

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What does twitter mean? - KAREN R - 10-01-2012 02:05 PM

- Homie D - 10-01-2012 02:13 PM

twitter |ˈtwitər|
verb [ intrans. ]
(of a bird) give a call consisting of repeated light tremulous sounds.
• talk in a light, high-pitched voice : old ladies in the congregation twittered.
• talk rapidly and at length in an idle or trivial way : he twittered on about buying a new workshop.
a series of short, high-pitched calls or sounds : his words were cut off by a faint electronic twitter.
• idle or ignorant talk : drawing-room twitter.
in (or of) a twitter informal in a state of agitation or excitement.
twitterer noun
twittery adjective
ORIGIN late Middle English (as a verb): imitative.