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WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME ? - Printable Version

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WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME ? - Adissa K - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

Okay , i am really thinking that something is wrong with me and i get so caught up in people and they pay no attention to me , example :

on twitter i have this other twitter that helps people get followers right. Anyway , i had this theme for the day called double trouble day where i would put only two @ names together so it would be easier for people to notice them . Anyway i put this boy with this grl together so it looked like : FOLLOW @thegrlsname and follow @theboysname , so a few moments later the boy retweeted it , so his name was later with another grl so it was like , @anothergrlsname and follow @thatboysnameagen and later he retweeted it , so later my twitter name came up with his and it was like : FOLLOW @myname and @thatboysname . and he did not retweet that . so im thinking maybe he got tired of retweeting it and stop , so to test it out i put another grl's name with his and so it looked like : FOLLOW @grlsname and @hisname and ofcourse he retweeted it and so im thinking :"oh , maybe he was like :fine , if they keep putting me then i will retweet it , since they wont stop" so to test that out i put me and his name together and he still did not retweet it .

i mean, cmon why take your time out to retweet others and not mine , take it from me , im not geeky looking or anything and i wear name brand clothes , and he's not too bad looking either and the grls he retweeted didnt have name brand .

ikno it sounds dumb but why don't people find me cool ?

basically i need some advice and making more friends and gaining a best friend .

please help me !!

- purplekitty627 - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

To get a best friend you need to actually talk to people in person. Why don't you get off the computer for one week? Bet you can't do it!!! I try to do it at least once every summer.

- luckylucky - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

im SO confused! ahah but you can follow me @ princessfluffy4 and youll have one follower!

- Ste[Funk]:P - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

I'm sorry but sounding desperate like this isn't going to help you either. :/ You have to be positive and actually communicate with people not force people to be your friend or to tweet you back.

- MR. Johnny Rockets - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

dont know answer mine;_ylt=Ak6QQ50HNs.jwErLjn4PE0Lsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100630115407AAozK1G

- Anabel Greene - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

okayy you want friends? maybe you should get off the computer go out and socialize with people, face to face. honestly, wearing branded clothes just makes you look good, it's not going to help you make friends. right now it really sounds like you're helping other people get to know each other and people don't "gain" best friends, they just happen. pick something you really like as a hobby and join someplace where all the people who like the same thing can meet up, you'll meet other people with the same interests and you'll have a topic of conversation. i mean, it's not a sure way to find a bff but it's a start, for example it seems like my best friend and i are total polar opposites, we don't like the same clothes, music, soccor teams but we have more in common than most people think so get to know everybody, even people you think might be totally incompatible with you, but first, do me a favor. turn off your computer and go out.