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What color highlights should i get? - Printable Version

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What color highlights should i get? - Jordyn - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

So I wanted to dye my hair but my dad doesn't want me to and neither does my mom sadly. But they did say I could get highlights if I wanted to. If I did dye my hair I said I would want it to some shade of brown. Same with highlights, I want a dark color of highlights. I don't want blonde because my goal is to make my hair darker not lighter. I have naturally red hair more of a strawberry blond-ish. So it might be hard to come up with a specific shade that will make my hair darker. I want it to be as close to a brown as possible. What color highlights should I get to make my hair darker, and would it turn out to be somewhat how I would want it to be? I'll post a picture of what I look like right now. Smile Also I don't want any dark reds in my hair... I hate my red hair the last thing I want to do is add more red to it. Tongue You have to be logged into facebook to see it. Tongue Also i might change my profile pic to the same pic later so u can see it later if u have to then answer the question. Yes, I did ask this question earlier on a different account but for some reason it wouldn't let me put the picture up as my profile pic to make it easier for u guys to tell me highlight ideas so I made a different one. Anyways what highlight do u guys think i should get?

Bigger picture (have to be logged into fb.):

- Lizzka - 11-09-2012 10:25 AM

Okay.......try like a coffee colored highlight, I think it would look good in your hair. Just not too much of it.

Answer mine please?