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What to do when you miss the guy you really like? - Printable Version

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What to do when you miss the guy you really like? - Katie - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

So I'm 15 and this guy I really like and have a lot in common with is almost 17. I know this is really dumb but I've only seen him once. So the thing is I went to a church youthgroup and we were doing "icebreaker"things to get to know eachother as a group and we have SO much in common. I reallyyyy like him but I only know his first name and I can't find him on facebook lol. I don't have his number or email or like any way to communicate with him. And also the youthgroup is every Wednesday and I went a week and a half ago and it was sooo much fun and I want to keep going but I couldn't go last week and I just found out I can't go this week either because I have another commitment that's more important!

I think about him ALL the time and I've only seen him once for like 2 hours but he's super nice and I he likes me for sure but I'm not sure in the way I really like him. But there might actually be more then just friendsWink I can't stop thinking about him and I barely know him! I think we have something really good going on. But I can't see him for another like 2 weeks!! I really miss him ad I can't get him off my mind. I dot have any pics of him or anything. I try to occupy myself but I always end up thinking about him even wen I'm having fun.

And also I'm trying not to rush into anything like him being my boyfriend and me being clingy cause that's not really me.

- Fisher - 11-09-2012 10:25 AM

do hobbies that will eat up your time, watch TV