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How did this happen on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How did this happen on Facebook? - Jen_ - 11-09-2012 10:16 AM

Me and my ex had a fight, and I blocked me before he blocked me. I literitly went to his name and blocked him and checked my blocked list and he was listed. Now I want to unblock him so I went to my block list, and he was listed so I hit "remove" and it did, then I went to my messages to click on his profile, but his name is in black saying "You can no longer message this person" is there anyway he could of blocked me? EVEN with me blocking him first? and yeah, he still has a facebook I checked my friends name. So what can be the problem?! I know if you block someone they can't go to your profile, so how could he have done it?!
I blocked him before he blocked me * i meant.

- :) - 11-09-2012 10:25 AM

Um maybe he made his profile private so only friends could message him?