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I really hate him because he told me he was going to rape me? - Printable Version

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I really hate him because he told me he was going to rape me? - Maddi - 11-09-2012 10:19 AM

Ok so I used to be friends with this guy named Zac and we used to be really close. He used to be a nice funny person but now he has changed. When I went to school last term, Zac told me he wanted to rape me then he started chasing me. I asked Chelsie about how to make him stop so she told me to go up to him and say "Stop it Zac, I don't like it". I did what she said but Zac said "Oh Maddi but I want to have sex with you". It shocked me on how he said it. I thought Zac would stop but he didn't. I told a school councilor about it so she told Zac but he denied it. It really upset me so I left the room. After school, Zac blocked me on Facebook for a month. I found out that he moved in the same English class as me. When Zacs there, I start to think that he is a rapist and I can't help it. He seemed pissed off when I was sitting with one of the guys who is a great friend to me. Now Zac isn't the person I knew anymore. He used to be funny and nice but now he is serious all the time. When Zac unblocked me, I said that I wanted to forget what happened and be friends again. He said he didn't hate me but he doesn't want me in his group. Now he messages me that the first bit was he hated me. Now I realized that he never was my friend. Now the school is moving me to a different English class. What a asshole he is. I really want to get revenge on him for saying he wants to rape me. Zac is ruining my life. I almost tried to commit suicide with a dressing gown cord and I almost died. Why he has changed? Why does he hated me from the start? And how I'm going to make him suffer?

- Alex - 11-09-2012 10:27 AM

1. Did you tell your parents about this? If not Tell them Asap
2. Maybe something happened at home that made him like this or he just changed
3. He want you to fall into his trap just ignore him and when he is around stay close to your friends.
4. Dont get revenge on people it just makes things worst he will suffer soon enough dont worry

Hope this helps.

- Bradley - 11-09-2012 10:27 AM

practice living in the present moment

- Funnyzombiegirl - 11-09-2012 10:27 AM

tell ur parents about this and ask them to talk to his parents!