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Why does my friend just STARE at me in makes me nervous? - Printable Version

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Why does my friend just STARE at me in makes me nervous? - Yes - 11-09-2012 10:19 AM

We aren't that close yet. But ever since I met her (2 years ago) she'd stare at me A LOT. She's one of those extremely gorgeous girls...but she's very reserved and aloof.

Now in class we sit at different seats on the opposite sides of the room (assigned seats at tables with a group of other people) but have a perfect view of each other...I haven't talked to her or had an actual conversation with her in about a month. She looks at me a lot, but I just avoid eye contact...not because I don't like her, I love her! [no homo] but I'm just really insecure and when people stare at me, I get really nervous and awkward. Some days she won't look at me at all...but then some days she'll stare blatantly at me.

Today I was just sitting there and I can FEEL her staring and when I look over for a quick second she doesn't even look away. She just watches me as I talk to people, or as I sit there doing my work. And when she sees me in the halls, she'll sometimes just stare or she'll smile really big and say hi. And yesterday at the beginning of class she came over to me smiling and asked to borrow a pen...then stared at me a lot all class...

I think maybe she just misses talking to me? But we were never really close??...we've never hung out together really, even when we're alone together it's kinda awkward because I have issues...I'm just extremely self conscious about my appearance, so I close up, ignore her sometimes (well everyone whenever I feel really ugly), act awkward because I'm too worried about what I look like, we've never really "connected" in person...BUT we used to talk on Facebook and text all day and night...everyday...She would open up a lot to me...We have SO much in common...though I would hardly talk to her in person...Yet she still liked me, invited me to do things with her, always seemed so happy when I was around, hugged me whenever she saw me, referred to me as her friends, etc.

But now we haven't talked in awhile...because honestly I've been avoiding her...Because I feel too ugly to talk to people, like my hair looks too dry, my braces and overbite look too prominent, my skin looks dry and dull...I know it's stupid and rude to treat people like sh-t just because I don't wanna be looked at but I've been this way for 4 years...I've just extremely self conscious about my looks.

But her staring confuses me...why does she do that?

We're both girls btw, not lesbians.

- Kiara - 11-09-2012 10:28 AM

It sounds like your friend likes you like in a she what's a realationship with u but maybe u should jus go up to her and ask

- Masquerade - 11-09-2012 10:28 AM

Maybe she does miss you and probably likes to look at you she probably thinks you're pretty but doesn't have a crush. I like to look at gorgeous people all the time and I'm not a lesbian. If you wanna know what her deal is then just ask her.

- prettykitty - 11-09-2012 10:28 AM

Might sound weird but I stare at people a lot! it's kind of strange like I can control it, but cant at the same time?! I just like looking at people & analyzing them. It intrigues me lol. Maybe she just likes to stare, or thinks you're pretty! Smile You are pleasing to her eyes & you two have spoke on many occasions so it's probably that she thinks you're cool or maybe wonders why you don't talk anymore to her. but Don't worry. You could always ask, but someone asked me why I always stared at them and I was like umm wtf I never look at you. She might blank out or not know she's looking, it could be anything really ^_^

- Amber - 11-09-2012 10:28 AM

she could be staring at the person next to you or the wall or whatever is next or behind you, if it continues to bother you you can tell the teacher that you need a spot closer to the board or something,
if you feel ugly for your hair condition it if you use a straighter every day use heat protectant and don't straighten on weekends or holidays if you think your skin is dry use moisturizer. she probably stares at you cause she is jealous of something (even though you feel ugly she might b like i love her hair color! everyone does this to me because im the only one in the whole school with strawberry blonde hair.)
hope i helped