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NEED ADVICE: good friend puts no effort in maintaining friendship, should i just give up? - Printable Version

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NEED ADVICE: good friend puts no effort in maintaining friendship, should i just give up? - The other Kim K - 11-09-2012 10:21 AM

I have a friend that I met just over 5 years ago when we both studied in France. We were really cool and had alot of fun in Paris for a few months. We kept in contact when we moved back to the States through email group messages with our old group and Facebook. Over a year ago, I ended up moving to the same big city as her and our 2 other good friends from France days. It was so cool to hang out with old friends and the 4 of us hung out almost every weekend (even though we all live VERY different lives and have our own friends here). This girl in particular and I were extra close and would hang out without the other 2 sometimes and even spent some big days together (Thanksgiving, New Years, etc.).

However, after New Years, (for no reason at all) she started acting totally weird towards me and the other girls. She came to our birthdays, but was always unavailable to do anything else. She stopped coming over my friends house, sleeping over, and takes days or weeks to reply to text messages, emails and never returns phone calls. She claims to be stressed with work but she only works a regular full time job like most people. Meanwhile, Im in grad school and the 2 others are doing masters and phd programs and we all work internships on top of the large amounts of credits we take. Her job is also in the industry that she's always wanted, basically her dream job, even if it is "stressful". I receive multiple assignments a day, intern for free, volunteer, have many club meetings, outings to go to, many groups of friends to see, and yet I still always reply to texts, emails, phone calls, etc. I receive prob about 15 emails a day that require responses or dates for my calendar, but i still do it.

One of our friends ended up getting into a better school in LA and had a going away, which was the only time I saw her ALL summer. I was going on a trip to Europe for 3 weeks in August before med school started again, and i tried to contact her days before about hanging out before i left, but she never replied to me even though she had 5 days to do so. Then she didnt even send me a sorry text or anything since then. I tried emailing her asking if she changed her #, saying how much i missed her and asking if everything is OK. It's been 2 weeks and she hasn't replied.

Our friend that moved to LA is coming into town 2nite and has been trying to organize a dinner for the four of us, but she hasn't RSVP and we dont know if she'll show up to the place. If she does.. what should I do? and if she doesnt, should we give up?

- Nicole - 11-09-2012 10:30 AM

Chances are she won't show up. If she doesn't give up on her.

Of she shows up ask her bluntly why hasn't she said anything back.

I had to kick one of my friends to the curb because she went off to college and then stopped replying to me. 6 months later she message me the day before my birthday, I thought I was to say happy birthday, but it was to house sit for her mom. Haven't spoken to her since.