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Are these boys jealous? What do you think? - Printable Version

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Are these boys jealous? What do you think? - ♥*Bubbles*♥ - 11-09-2012 10:24 AM

First I will tell you about myself. I don't consider myself to be pretty at all, and I don't say that for attention or compliments like other girls do. I am 16. Now I will tell you my story (well, one of many!! )
Last year, well, seems nearly 2 years ago, there was a new guy in school. I made friends with him to make him feel welcome, since he was in a lot of my classes. We also had some 'after school' activities together. Not too long after, my friends (from my "friendship group") started asking me questions. "Why have you made friends with this guy? Do you like him!!??" And I made the mistake of saying yes, only half meaning it. I said no at first then I got sick of them asking. I should have just put up with it. But after I said 'yes', my friends went up to this guy and told him. (AHH!!!) Then his friends started to make fun of me, saying that I am ugly, not to me though, to him. (One of his friends told me this before leaving school for good). He started to apparently 'hate' me. :/
After I found out he was backstabbing me, I talked to him, pretty much telling him our friendship was over, even if he thought it didn't exist in the first place.
That was only last year! (sorry for the long story guys!!)
This year, I don't know, but I must have been getting on his nerves because he continued to backstab me, even though I hadn't said a word to him since last year. Do you think he was annoyed because i was ignoring him?
But not too long ago, he posted my messages (to my friend), private messages, on facebook. My so called friend had sent him things that I had written, private things, by taking screenshots. They were very old messages, from definitely 2 years ago or more. It was saying stuff like "Oh this person is so cute and nice" and embarrassing stuff like that. He didn't just post it on facebook, he posted it on the persons wall. (Luckily, this person is my friend still, to this day) I was devastated, and crying. I talked to him over facebook. But I didn't say everything that I needed to, until the next day at school, when I yelled at him. I yelled at him in front of everyone. (All my friends said it was actually quite scary!!) He backed into a corner, and said "Leave me alone!" then i'm like, "No you leave me alone you idiot!! you had no right to do what you did!!" Me going Hulk on that guy was the conversation topic for a while after that. XD
But he is still backstabbing me. I must have got to him... but I made another mistake recently. I told my friend about this guy that I really like, and she went and told her boyfriend, who then told the guy that I yelled at. Now him and his friends are all making fun of me behind my back. They won't leave me alone. Which is something that I fail to understand, if they hate me so much can't they just pretend I don't exist? Now they're saying stuff like "Oh those two would be perfect together!!" also making fun of the guy i really like! Sad
Do you think this will end??? I asked my friend and he said "they're just jealous that you like someone else other than them" which did actually make my day Smile

- みさき - 11-09-2012 10:32 AM

Ohh, poor you! I hate it when people bully others...its so stupid!!
I think you should just ignore them, i dont think there is anything that u can do! And if i were u i wouldnt say any secrets to your friends for now! And if u do, tell it only to ur special friend (and tell her not to tell her boyfriend or anyone!). Maybe also talk to the one u like saying sorry that people are being cruel to him and to ignore them. If he doesnt understand and starts being mean to you for what other people said about him, then you would know what kind of person he is! To be honest with you i dont think they are jealous... i think they are just stupid.. >.< People just tease others to be cool. But then again, ur friend might always be right. It depends on who are the people that are teasing you.
Just remember not to say anything to that jerk (the one u said u liked but u didnt). Soon enough he wont have anything to say about u anymore. Just forget about him. =)

Good luck! i hope everything goes well!