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How to block certain friends seeing my timeline on facebook? - Printable Version

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How to block certain friends seeing my timeline on facebook? - Vivian - 11-09-2012 10:26 AM

Okay, so. I have some family on my Facebook that I can't delete, but I don't want them to see the posts on my timeline & stuff. My friends post stuff on my Timeline and stuff I just don't want them to see it. Is there a way to make just ONE person, not be able to see my timeline? Please help! Thanks!

- four - 11-09-2012 10:34 AM

you can go to privacy settings of your profile. or when posting something, you can click the setting icon and select the name of the person you want to block

- rgladymar - 11-09-2012 10:34 AM

yes, it's possible

you don't want them to see your friends? go to friends, edit and then you'll have to customize it, meaning you can choose 2, 4, 19 friends(and they won't see them) or just choose "me" and nobody will see your friend list

you don't want them to see your albums? do the same as above, but this time go to photos and choose you privacy setting

don't want a specific person to see what friends post on your timeline? go to "PRIVACY SETTINGS" THEN "HOW YOU CONNECT" AND at the bottom where it says--------Who can see posts by others on your timeline? (Note: Stories about likes, friendships, and some other types of wall content aren't included in these settings.) choose, only me, or the person you don't want to see what others post about you on your timeline by clicking custom

and you can choose who will see your post every time you try to update your status

- Rom Cartridge - 11-09-2012 10:34 AM

This guide will show you how to block someone on Facebook:

Keep in mind that blocking prevents any interaction with the blocked user through Facebook.

Good luck!