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I'm always afraid to talk to my friend. What should I do? - Printable Version

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I'm always afraid to talk to my friend. What should I do? - Winter ♥ - 11-09-2012 10:27 AM

Oh my god...I'm ALWAYS scared to talk to her usually or even look at her because I feel like she doesn't wanna be bothered or talked to by me....Whenever I get around her I feel annoying, nervous, and like I just wanna get away from her because I feel so insecure about myself...The only reason we're even friends now is because SHE was the one who started being friendly and nice to me, saying hi in the halls, complimenting me, etc...She's one of those extremely gorgeous girls and she hardly ever smiles, she always looks detached and aloof, so she's intimating to me.

She's extremely quiet and reserved, shy, insecure (but hides it well), kinda passive...hardly talks unless YOU'RE a talkative person then she'll talk more openly with you. But I'm kinda shy myself so whenever we're alone together it just long and awkward, uncomfortable, quiet...In the halls, I could be walking directly behind her and she'll just continue walking, won't say anything to me. But like if she's walking my way and sees me she'll say hi usually...sometimes not.

She doesn't really respond to texts anymore, she used to respond right away, sometimes she does still but it's not the same. She's always too busy. When we talk sometimes she sounds so apathetic and disinterested, with a monotone voice...but she's like that usually with everyone..

We have a really weird friendship...but I often feel annoying and insecure around her, like should I even bother talking to her? She's so I assume she just doesn't wanna talk to me. And in class, everyone at her group will be talking, but she'll be quiet to herself texting. And I watch her with her other friends and she's just a very reserved person. It's like YOU have to be exuberant and outgoing to get her to open up...

And once when we were alone working together, she was quiet the entire time, on her facebook on her phone...then I was like "wow you're so quiet" and she just blushed and smiled like "Yeah I know..." Then back to then I started talking a little more, and she looked really unsure of herself and awkward, smiling nervously, blushing, bouncing her leg up and down...I guess I just overestimated her...I expected her to be super talkative and amazing because she's so pretty and she used to party a lot...but no...And one time we were on this field trip thing and while everyone else was down in the game room, when her friends asked her if she wanted to come, she'd be like "No.. I think I wanna take a nap or go take a shower or something"

And I notice ALL of her friends are those talkative, loud, outgoing, confident people...I used to be like about a year ago...and THAT'S when she started becoming so interested in talking to me and getting to know me...

But anyways, I remember last week, one day I just felt super confident and happy about myself, wasn't worrying about what she thought of me...I was more talkative and just comfortable...and I notice, she was talking so comfortably and happily with me, she actually kept conversations going, etc...but then the next day I was back to being insecure, quiet, and awkward, worrying what she thought of me...and that's when she became detached, uncomfortable and quiet with me again...

So I guess in order for us to have any kinda actual friendship, I have to be confident and talkative. I would love to be like that...but now i'm so shy and insecure about my appearance that I can never just relax and be normal around people...But I really want us to have a good friendship, we have so much in common, so I guess I should just forget about my insecurities and be confident
Well she's the one who calls me her friend, invited me to do things with her, would scoot her desk over to mine whenever the teacher told us to work in groups, calls me "one of her girls" so no I don't think I'm overestimating our relationship....if anything,she is...but I don't mind I WANT us to be good friends like that...