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Am I over-analyzing this situation? - Printable Version

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Am I over-analyzing this situation? - layla - 11-09-2012 10:27 AM

I probably am severely over-analyzing, but I just wanted to make sure.

Alright, so my ex-boyfriend and I dated for a long time, I think it was about 14 months. Anyway, one year ago we ended things and it was incredibly hard for me, but I'm over him now (thank God, haha)
We have a lot of the same friends, and so even though I don't have him on Facebook anymore, I can usually still see a lot of his posts, because he'll post on my friend's walls. We even occasionally still see each other ina group setting, and text sometimes just to catch up.

So anyway, I've noticed that the last few times I've commented on certain mutual friend's pictures on facebook, he will comment right after. Like, seconds after. Usually, these are people he doesn't talk to on facebook. Am I just over-analyzing that he's doing this? I mean, it's probably just a coincidence right? And even if he was, what would that mean?

By the way, we're both in our early 20's.
Someone mentioned that I am "not over him". Oh trust me, I am. I am just CURIOUS. This is out of curiosity, not because I care about him in that way anymore. Geeze, people.

- bravodanny10 - 11-09-2012 10:36 AM

If you we're his first true GF and he loved you he might still not be completely over you it's hard for guys to get over there first true love but anyways he might be trying to get a reaction from you.

- Twisttee - 11-09-2012 10:36 AM

Why are you worried about it if you are "over him(Thank God,haha) "...?

You are over-analyzing AND you are not being honest with yourself about being over him. If you really were over him, you wouldn't care.

- Brittany - 11-09-2012 10:36 AM

He could still be trying to be friends with you, ask him and see.

- aarfan44 - 11-09-2012 10:36 AM

Maybe you are, maybe you aren't.

It's easy to creep on other people via facebook, you know? I bet lots of people read what other people post, and the people posting have no idea about it.

But I'm not sure what you're trying to get out of this in the end... I mean, do you want him to be secretly crushing on you or something? If that's the case, I wouldn't worry about it. Live your life, you guys probably broke up for a reason anyways. And if he really liked you, he would try to talk to you on the phone or in person to somehow become friends or boyfriend/girlfriend again... he wouldn't be playing little games over facebook.

So I wouldn't necessarily say that you're overanalyzing, maybe you're just being observant of his recent behavior. Maybe he is purposely commenting after you, maybe he's not. But like I said, if you want him to like you or something, don't worry about it, don't care about it. If a dude wants you, he'll come after you.

- john - 11-09-2012 10:36 AM

Well, maybe you aren't over-analyzing the situation; if he comments on a photo of someone who he doesn't usually talk to on facebook.. then it makes you wonder why he comments aha. I get the urge myself, to comment on something that my ex does... but only if it involves someone I know fairly well. Not actually sure why, haha - for me it's certainly not because I miss her at all. Sorry that I'm no help.

But if you two broke up, then it's best that you do absolutely no analyzing, because that's in the past right?? good luck Smile