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What is the clickthru rate for facebook ads? - Printable Version

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What is the clickthru rate for facebook ads? - aristotlelus - 11-09-2012 10:30 AM

I want to place a facebook ad.

I would like an in depth answer on what the clickthru rate is like. What I should expect. i.e for every 1,000 or 100,000 impressions, how many clicks should I expect.

Also how much does it cost per CPM

- Mark - 11-09-2012 10:38 AM

CTR varies from ad to ad ( all depends on your choice of image, text, who the ad is targeted at and what the ad is for). All these variables will affect click through rate. In my opinion the image can make the single biggest difference to the CTR of a campaign.

A high CTR for Facebook is between 1-2% and that is for a very highly targeted and well written ad.

Just to recap, it is all dependant on product, ad and target demographic.

As for CPM, I tend to use CPC which gets cheaper the higher the CTR for your ad, it is possible to get $0.01c clicks with a really high CTR so worth working at.

Hope that helps