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what are some ways to build 5 million twitter followers? - Printable Version

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what are some ways to build 5 million twitter followers? - Roger - 10-01-2012 03:18 PM

I want to be the best twitter in 12 months

- marenda - 10-01-2012 03:26 PM

Are you serious? If you're not a celebrity this will take some serious hard work, outside the box thinking, time, and money. I don't want to discourage you because its possible but it won't be easy!

1. You must be an active avid Twitter user. By that I mean you must constantly tweet, re-tweet, and ask your followers to PRT (please re-tweet).

2. Follow as many people as Twitter will allow EVERY DAY and wait a few days and unfollow those that are not following you back (rinse and repeat).

3. Use the resources and websites listed on

4. Get the Twitter Traffic System, Twitter Rockstar, and/or The Hummingbird as these tools are specifically designed to help you get more followers. These tools cost money

5. Write and submit a compelling press release explaining your goal and why people should help you reach it. Make it newsworthy or it will be ignored so be very creative.

6. Add your twitter profile link to your email/forum signature

7. If you belong to other online communities ask people follow you.

8. Start a blog/website

9. Go to hire a ghostwriter to write a Report On Twitter or any other hot buzzworthy website, offer it for free in exchange for people following you on Twitter.

10. advertise online and offline using free classified sites, business cards, posters, flyers, newspapers, sandwich boards, t-shirts etc...


- Jazs - 10-01-2012 03:26 PM

try using this software 100% you can have many followers more than you had ever imagined. i had used it for my self

- Susan - 10-01-2012 03:26 PM

I have managed to reach over 2000 followers in a month’s time and love how it generates traffic to my blog. I started using the super followback list where users are willing to followback. Everyone leaves their name and you can 100’s. I noticed if you content is worthwhile, once u reach 1000 it nearly doubles. I recommend anyone wanting followers to leave their name on that list at Have fun and good luck in the twitterverse!

@FFVIP = masters of follow friday

- A Parker - 10-01-2012 03:26 PM

Try using twitter if you don't already, although it isnt automatic. The secret to helping twitter drive traffic and sales to your business or website or just gaining a large amount of followers for nay reason relies mainly on understanding all of the feature and knowing how to take advantage of all the tools available for free out there. There are a lot of tricks you can learn to gain a huge amount of targeted followers. Check out this guide at - this guide is not a get rick quick kind of guide, it outlines how to use twitter, and how to use it properly to build followers and drive traffic, if you decide to buy it and it doesnt have the info that you want, you can email the company and they (me) will give you your money back right away.

- Caleb - 10-01-2012 03:26 PM

might be hard to do, but there are ways you can get thousands of followers. first of all you shouldn't have to pay for someone to teach you this, there are free videos out there that explain it for free, and there are free tools available as well.