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Should I continue talking to this guy? - Printable Version

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Should I continue talking to this guy? - Christina - 11-09-2012 10:35 AM

I met him through Facebook, but he's friends of my friends that I've known for YEARS. he's 20...which isn't a problem at all considering my's the thing, he's really nice and all...but of say he's going about this MUCH too fast. within the three Weeks or so we've been talking everyday for hours, he confesses his LOVE for me. Id think he's emotionally unstable. He database lot of things, that makes me quite uncomfortable. he has a really messed up sleeping schedule, he goes to bed 7, 8am wakes up three or four hours later, and does it all over again. I for one, am NOT clingy, and he's total opposite. Four o click this morning he texted me a ”mirror picture of himself right after he got out the shower...with done words on a mirror...and he entitled. ”I may or may not be naked”
right after, he listed 26 things he LOVES about me. this made me the most uncomfortable. I told him how that made me feel and he's beating himself over it, saying he hates making me feel that way, and he'll never do it again, and he's so sorry. We have met in person a few times, and he's nothing like that though...he's quiet calm cool and collected...but of he's actually revealing the way he feels about me over messages, should I give him one more chance?

- gaby - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

Giving him a chance dosnt hurt anybody , but it seemes to me like hes obsessed or confused ... its really wierd how he did the 26 thing he loves about you :/ ackward !

- Mrs. SL - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

I do believe from what you've written on here that you have already made up your mind to leave him alone. Sounds like the smart thing to do. Life goes on and he will find someone else to prey on. Don't feel guilty unless you led him on BUT still get out of this mess before you get really in trouble !!! Coming from a 58 year old dinosaur woman. LOL

- Quack - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

If you want my opinion then don't use Facebook because it is a really bad site. You cannot do this through Facebook. If you really want to do this then meet in person.

I hope everything works out!

- Caroline - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

tell him the truth. talk to him about how some of the things he does make you uncomfortable and maybe if he understands then great! but honestly ask yourself if you want to keep talking and flirting with someone that makes you so uncomfortable