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How can i get my Ex to talk to me again ? - Printable Version

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How can i get my Ex to talk to me again ? - Sebastian - 11-09-2012 10:36 AM

i was talking to my EX-Girlfriend last friday and i asked her if she was feeling any better fro being sick and i also said that i had to go again because i was busy she replied saying really. now everytime i would try to text her she would say i g2g bye. why is she being like this? Then she removed me on facebook. last thursday she said how she loves me still and always will and loves fiirting, and that she misses being togethor but not the stress because she moved and we had to do long distance. She also blocked me or something on apps like instagram,etc. I havn't talked to her since friday night and she started ignoring my messages and stopped talking to me. She just randomly did all this like i did something to her even though i never did. She was saying how we would stay friends then she does this. She still has me added on skype and i figured that she would have removed on skype as well, but she never did. I messaged her the iphone app kik messanger and it said d for deliver but yesterday it changed to r which means she received them. yet still no reply. How can i get her attention ? and should i move on ? i was going to send her a pic of a ring that i found with the letter A on it but if i message her to she may think im desperate

- Ryde.On - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

So why not direct your energy to a new chick that wants to talk to you instead ?

- Z - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

I think she really got hurt and this is her way of healing her hurt.

- Girish Mehta - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

My dear friend,yes you are desperate.Do not harass her.Move on!

- RetroRanch - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

Yes, she's crazy. Apparently you are, also.

- H A E - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

I think what probably happened was she started hanging out with someone new, didn't know how things were going and felt insecure so she contacted you, and things started going better between them again so she cut you off. Don't take it personally - she's a flawed person if she's willing to use you for an ego boost. Don't do anything but focus on someone else. If she contacts you again, tell her she was right, and that no contact is best and don't respond to anything else she sends. She's a user.

- richard w - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

I know how you feel man. Trust me. have to deal with it several times, but the last one... I got back - and daaamn, was great to have her crawling back after all the stress she caused.

First you need to stop talking to her. It's hard, I know. But knock it off! .. . She'll wonder what happened, or where you are... Let her wonder. You know what. This is how I did it.

Don't worry, it's a safe link and an awesome program : )