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My best friend is dating my crush? - Printable Version

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My best friend is dating my crush? - CoolCat - 11-09-2012 10:36 AM

My best friend and i met last year but we started talking this school year and got really close. We went to homecoming one night and danced with a guy we go to school with and after that i told her i liked him. she decided that she liked him too. so i decided that it wasnt worth losing a friend over i would not go after him. then she did. but it didnt go anywhere bc she pushed it. later she decided she liked another boy in our school and i told her it would be cool if she and him started dating bc his best friend is my crushes best friend so then if we started dating we could all hang out. i had known my crush since 6th grade, and had a crush on him then but seeing him again brought it back. but my bestfriends new boy didnt work out so now she likes my crush that she kinows i like. she asked me if i was ok with it and if i wasnt she wouldnt do it. i told her i didnt want her to but i cant control her. so she starts to go after him and now she is posting stuff on facebook like shes trying to rub it in. i know i sound like im just whining but i really like this guy and its not the first time so i kinda feel like she just does it because i tell her i like them. what do i do

- Waterdragon - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

so???? if you had wanted to go out with him you should have at least spoken to him ---- it does not matter who you or your friend like its who they like ---- so find out ---- all this angst about "losing" friends when it does not matter ---- when you leave school you will probably never see them again anyway ---- when you find the love of your life they will be with you forever and they should be your best friend

- Kyraah Kaay - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

she isnt your real friend, and trust me you dont need people like her. once youre out of highschool you will realize who your real friends are.

- Kijal - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

I dont think shes a very good friend but you cant really do anything about their relationship...

- Julie - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

She sucks at being a genuine friend, but that's obvious. Being me I'd slowly detach myself from a person like that. Hm, next time don't tell her your crushes if she's being like that.

- shauna - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

Okay, stop telling her who you like. Keep that to yourself. Because it sounds like she's gonna try and ruin your chances with getting a boyfriend if you keep telling her.