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How much is too much when in comes to facebook and a guy? - Printable Version

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How much is too much when in comes to facebook and a guy? - walbreeze - 11-09-2012 10:37 AM

I used to talk to a guy for 5 months and we saw each other as well. We never dated officially but he told me he liked me all the time and that he liked me so much and that I was the best girl he's met.

This last summer, he stopped talking to me for two months randomly and I was confused and hurt. Finally we started talking a little and he told me he was moving to another state to help out his grandparents and he had been down there the last month. We had a very long and kind of deep conversation about how he's leaving and he kept telling me the last thing he wanted was to not stay in touch and thought we have something great but he didn't want a long distance relationship. He also told me he didn't want me waiting for him if I didn't want to and that we would only see each other a few times a year and that was it. He said it wasn't a problem to see me the few times a year and asked me if it was a problem for me too. He said maybe down the road we could have something but right now it wouldn't work and we would only see each other a few times. I'm studying abroad too so I can't keep in touch often till I get back. I really like him and I wish we talked more, I'm still head over heels for him and can't seem to let go for a little while.

We are facebook friends, so that's the only way I can stay in touch with him. We talked a little and we've liked some of each other's statuses but that's it. Is it a bad idea to comment on his statuses? I guess how much is too much?

- Leah - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

Just be honest and involve yourself as much as you feel like. If you turn out to be crazy stalker woman then that's just pot luck and you need help. So far it doesn't seem like you have a great grasp on this love concept, since you outright rejected him yet you LOVE HIM? Make up your mind woman. Your mind and heart are at odds with each other so hard i'm surprised they don't tear your body apart.

YOU LOVE HIM. Spend time with him! Even just talking thru inbox or status is more than you've got now.

- Ricki - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

It's okay to like status and commenting on posts and pics.
You're connected to him, it's only natural.

- WrestlingGod - 11-09-2012 10:45 AM

Why would it be a bad idea? and why dont you just talk over the phone while his away?