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Why is my Facebook account not working with apps? - Printable Version

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Why is my Facebook account not working with apps? - Michael H - 11-09-2012 10:37 AM

So I log in and try to play Zoo world or Happy Pets. It just goes saying, redirecting and flshed back and forth. My friend's account works just fine! So I make another account and that one fails too! What's wrong with that!??!

- aweety69 - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

Sometimes those games don't run properly because the game itself on your end just isn't working. I've had yoville not work for me at all, yet I log in under my other account and I have no problem. Sometimes too, your cache might be full, ie temp files, cookies, history..things that are taking up memory space on your computer, will lag other programs big time. I have to clear out my cache before each time I log in into Facebook because Facebook takes up so much of my RAM. Also if you have used a lot of the Facebook apps, remove the ones you haven't accessed in awhile. Things like, "rock pins", "gifts", "quizzes you've taken", all that crap Facebook likes to throw at you.