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does this apply to most high schools? - Printable Version

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does this apply to most high schools? - Ale-ale-jandro - 11-09-2012 10:37 AM

my friend was talking to this kid over facebook about popularity in high school nowadays. this is what he said:

"Unpopular people aren't unpopular there isn't really popularity it's all divided into groups and they are now becoming more diversed so you could have some "popular" kids hanging out with the "average" kids high school spreads out popularity and gives you more chances to make friends"

what he means is that people are given chances to make more friends. is this common among typical high schools because the town i live in is really diverse and accepting compared to other places, so it's not your run of the mill area

- knowitall - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

I have to disagree and agree with this at the same time. In my high school it was a pretty accepting environment. I made a lot of friends and the only people I didn't really get along with were the ones that saw themselves as "popular" but other than those kids I got along perfectly with everyone.

- Darkstorm - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM


- Fuzzybunny95531 - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

I think schools found in larger populated areas with a wider range of different cultures and lifestyles. Where as smaller towns, tend to be populated by generally the same type of people or there is more of an obvious line between 'sides' of popularity versus no popular people.

- Tanisha - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with area I think, I went to a school in a bad area where I would've expected every race to separate, instead it was the closest (no real division amongst jocks and nerds) school I've ever gone to. Now the last school I went to, the jocks were the nerds (due to rules to play sports) and all the teachers loves them. I didn't like them because I knew how they were outside the classroom, the girls acted like sluts (not all of course), they weren't nice to the lower class men and had major attitudes. It's just the people that are there, not the location.

- ~*♥luv♥*~ - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

You can have friends in different groups, I do but you normally stick with your main friends

So I agree and I diasagree

I gave my group of friend which would be refered to as "middle" (not popular or unpopular, gets along with everyone)

But I hang out wih some people between 'popular' and 'middle'

But I just hangout with whoever I 'click' with, whoever I can be myself around