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How do you edit your privacy for facebook for your pictures uploads? - Printable Version

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How do you edit your privacy for facebook for your pictures uploads? - Thunderouslunchroom859 - 11-09-2012 10:38 AM

I want to put my privacy settings differently, to be exact I want to upload an album of photos but I don't want to "notify" all my friends in facebook what album I just uploaded. Reason is I'm uploading a bunch of albums and it'll be annoying for them to see that I've posted up "10" albums in 20 mins.... How do I do this?...

- ^jump^jump^ - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

First, of course, click on the button that lets you create an album, and upload your first album full of pictures.

Click "edit info" when you're in your album, and when you're changing photos/settings, Facebook will ask you if you want to publish the album (so it appears on your friends' news feeds), so just click on "Skip" and check off that they don't ask you again for those photos. Do it for all your albums.

If you somehow forget to do that, your albums will still appear in your wall, where your status updates, friends' wall posts, etc. are. Just remove the album from that activity area, and they won't appear in people's news feeds. The album will still exist, but no one will realize that you just uploaded 10 albums all at once.

Also, if you have up to 200 photos to download, why not put them all in one album so that friends will get just one notification?