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Someone sold me a stolen iPhone, should I report him? - Printable Version

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Someone sold me a stolen iPhone, should I report him? - Greg - 11-09-2012 10:38 AM

When I met him off craigslist, I verified the ESN immediately with Verizon - it was all good. But 4 days later when I tried to activate it, they told me that the iphone had been reported lost or stolen. So I've been trying to call this guy but obviously he doesn't respond. I have his phone number, few text messages and his email address. I even know his facebook profile because when I searched with his email/phone, it showed up.

So should I tell him that I'll report him to cops to get my money back or just report him to the cops? Is it in any way going to help get my money back?

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

- Dharma - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

you can track the user

- Zack - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

I would definitely report it. I am positive the newer iphones can be detected by a computer and the last thing you want is to be caught with the phone without reporting it stolen. I don't think you want a larceny charge against you.

- Daisy Muffin - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

Depends on what you want to happen. Do you just want your money back, or do you want him to get in trouble? (or both) I personally would call the cops and explain the situation, maybe play dumb and see what they say. They might be able to get your money back and teach him a lesson.

I would call the cops say you are reporting that you were sold a stolen phone without your knowledge once you found out it was stolen you called to report it so you don't get in trouble for purchasing stolen property. Ask them if there is anything you can do on your end (becides providing this guys info) and ask if it's possible to get your money back. You will probably need some kind of proof of purchase.

A lot will depend on where you live and how much the cops actually care about this kind of stuff. I know here they would much rather bust underage drinking college parties than pay attendtion to the theft and vandalism going on. I hope this is somewhat helpful, good luck!

- Jose - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

You don't know I this guys committed a murder or how he got the phone. But it traces back to you then you will get in trouble for whatever he did since you have the victims property. If the charges are dropped then they'll charge you with Receiving Stolen Property