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Am i just wasting my time? - Printable Version

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Am i just wasting my time? - john - 11-09-2012 10:38 AM

Me and this girl have been friends now for close to 3 years, initially she always text me but as time has gone on she's stopped, but we still talk almost everyday on facebook. I asked her once if she was just being polite with me and didn't want to talk but she said she wasn't and that she likes talking to me.
She keeps going on that she wants to meet my family, but every time i ask if she wants to hang out she's always busy; she is a workaholic, she is really focused on her studies and has a part time job as well.
We still flirt occasionally, but she says she just sees me as a friend, but i think that this is because she doesn't see me often enough. When we were at a party together she kept commenting that she was a good kisser and when we were on the floor together she didn't mind me having hold of her hand, and when i went to leave at the end of the night she gave me a hug which is rare for her. i joked the next day if i had tried to kiss her would she let me and her response was "who knows Wink "

I just don't know what to do anymore, i like her and sometimes i get the feeling that she likes me too but i just don't know what to do anymore.
What do you think i should do?
How do you think i could progress things with her?
Do you think i stand a chance or am i just wasting my time?

- James - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

give her some time and then text her. make it look like your busy instead of waiting around for her

answer mine please?

- :D - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

she could be testing you to see if you like her enough to go for it

- Mahi - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

I think you should move in on it.

- Joyce Lovee - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Yeah Like the other person said she could really like you and just be testing you to see if you like her. And yeah make it seem like your busy too sometimes. So she'll be like why isn't he texting me and be all worried.