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Guys and Girls, Does this girl even like me at all ? Is she interested in me ? Please help :( (10 points)? - Printable Version

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Guys and Girls, Does this girl even like me at all ? Is she interested in me ? Please help :( (10 points)? - Jack - 11-09-2012 10:38 AM

She looks at me, gazes at me. She laughs on my jokes even though they are not funny. We barely speak but when we do, we always share this eye contact which is beyond explanation. After receiving all those signs, i finally bought her a drink, spoke with her but as soon as i left home, my class fellow tells her that i am into her. The next day at our college bar she tells the same class fellow that she wanted to buy me a drink because she thought i was a good guy (I don't even know if it's true but he told me it himself and she was shy when i went towards her). I decided to tell her about my feelings which i started having for her, but i needed to be sure first so i asked our friend in common and i just asked her why does she look at me all the time, is she into me ? And she responds firstly she has a boyfriend who lives abroad and they have been together for 3 years and second, she thought i was into her. The boyfriend part really broke me up and i just said no i am not.(And yeah she really does have a boyfriend, i checked her up on facebook, she has been with him for more than 3 years)

The week after she started to avoid me, zero eye contact, pretended i never existed but these past 2 days i have been seeing her a lot with my group. I was speaking with her and one of my class fellow comes and starts saying our names together and i just moved aside, didn't wanted to hear what she would had said. She tells him that she has a boyfriend and she is not looking. I know from this point she is FaithFull, she is NOT a cheating kind of a person, but i felt something between us and she looks at me all the time, straight in the eye, without even saying a word and i just know it. Like yesterday, we were at this concert and she gazed at me for like 3 seconds but i didn't even have the courage to do it. I feel pretty bad about my self and it's kind of sad when you know what you could had have but still... I just need to know from this point, Does she even like me ? What should i do ? I really want to tell her how i feel about her but i can't, all the time if we are left alone, she would just leave and go to her female friends but then look at me real quick. We went to a bar yesterday night, as i invited everyone in my class and she came as well and she texted me too. As i arrived i bought everyone drinks and made sure everyone was having a good time, i wanted to see her happy and she was, she looked at me and spoke with me, i mean she looked at me straight in the eye at various points and i don't know why and sometimes she avoided that eye contact... We spoke a lot and we had a good time but when we had to leave, she was on her bike and we were the only two left behind as the others were far long gone and she didn't want to stick around me she just biked forward, i just don't understand why, she always does this, always goes away from me for some reason but i know she had a good time... I texted her the next day and it was our first real text conversation and it went really well, she responded under 2 minutes and she responded well, i told her that i had a great day the other day and she responded she also had a great day. But then eventually our conversation died off as she had to do her project work and i haven't texted her again. And i know for sure she would never text me first and it's true, i just don't know why. Now the main question is, does she even like me at all ? I just don't know how to express my self towards her because i felt something real and i would never understand in my life if she didn't feel a thing and if she does like me i need to ask her out. But yet again depends on if she likes or not (PS she has a boyfriend) ? Please help guys, i really owe you one Sad

So short summary, she looks at me, found out i liked her through a friend, and i told her friend that i don't. She has a boyfriend who lives abroad and she has been with him for more than 3 years but i feel a connection and i just want to know if its real. !!!

- pusta - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

i think she you . becouse she look to you ,

- Bunnies rock - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Listen. I am a girl and i am like probably the best person to askSmile
Now girls are not as complicated as you may think they are..infact they are easy to talk to when youre trying to be straightforward. So basically as i do not know you or this girl i cant help you out much with whether she likes you or not. She may be faithful but sometimes, you cant control your feeling towards a certain person.. maybe that whats happening to her. Im not getting your hopes up high and saying she likes you but to find out all you have to do is TELL HER ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS without a single thought. Girls are great when it comes to understanding the way the other person feels. Trust me she will try to put herslf in your shoes and if she likes you she will tell you. If she doesnt shell tell you. If she has feeling for you but doesnt want to cheat on her bf its shell tell you that too. But if you dint approach her both of you might end up being stuck in a bad situation and end up regretting not telling the other how you feel.