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Should I reply to this Facebook message? - Printable Version

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Should I reply to this Facebook message? - Jess - 11-09-2012 10:39 AM

So I started university over a month ago and a random guy from uni added me. I know he's definitely at the uni cause I have actually seen him around campus twice. We had no mutual friends or anything, so i did initially find it a little weird, but I assumed that he was just looking for people at the same university as him. He recently messaged me just saying, he was from the same uni and what course he was doing, halls he is living in (same hall as me surprisingly) etc...
He also mentioned that he wanted to get to know a few people and would like to meet me!?
He does seem like a nice guy, but I don't actually know him.

All I know of him, is from what is on his Facebook profile.
I don't know whether to reply or just ignore the message.
As I said earlier, I have seen him on campus twice, both times he smiled and hello. So I now I just don't know.

any advice?

- Sakura - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Give him a try, you never know how things could work out

- Kay - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Don't meet him unless you take a trusted friend you know in real life with you. Hope this helps.

- Louise - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Cummon, meet him with a fiew friends. Hes just trying to get to know people and likes the look of you. Dont shy away, branch out make friends say hi

- Brennen - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

My advice would be not to go. Something like this has happened to me (in high school). I did not go... But if you want to give me a chance, you need to take someone that is bigger and stronger than him just in case. I recommend not doing it... You hear stories and they are terrible. As long as you use proper judgment, you should be fine. Good luck and I hope it works out!!!

- al H - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

i would ignore him and block him just to be safe

- Martin - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Next time he says "Hello" in a public place, ask him about the message he sent. Be blatant that it is just you being friendly and, if he asks face to face if you want to go for a coffee etc... Then take him up on the offer as a "get to know someone on campus". Make sure you tell as many family and friends of his identity, your intention and, more importantly, his name and his intentions to them. He may be a genuine guy, but whenever anybody you have never personally met privately messages you, be cautious..... But still optimistic.

Be safe, don't be alone with him until you really feel you know him and be open minded. But make sure everything you do initially (if you choose to) is public knowledge amongst friends and family.

You could also ask him to complete a CRB and wait a few months for it to be returned - if he's that interested, he should cover the cost. After all, a true gentleman should Wink lol.

Seriously though. Look after number 1. And certainly don't get really drunk around any male until you feel you know them well enough or you are with a group of friends!

- Ess Baby - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

It's your choice if you feel comfortable adding him or not

- Gary Crant - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

You have to start somewhere if you want to make an acquaintance. It's not as though he smiled at you in Sainsbury's. You would have access to certain info on him

- Andrew H - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

No. A big no. This world is so bad, don't trust anyone.