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Facebook privacy settings.? - Printable Version

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Facebook privacy settings.? - S-Town-2011 - 11-09-2012 10:39 AM

My facebook privacy settings are for my friends can only message me and People who have mutual friends with me can add me.
Some of my info is for me too see only and other info of mine is for my friends to see.
And I'm just wondering would some hacker be able to get in to my facebook account just like that? Or would they need to know my e-mail address aswell as my password?

- Daniel - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Hackers don't justhack into peoples accounts cos they feel like it, hackers don't care. Hackers hack for the challenge of hacking but if someone was to gain access to your account, yes they could see that info.

- Turbo Asker - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Whatever you do to protect your account, there are tools people can use to brute force your accounts.
There is no 100% to protect your account but choose your password correctly is one way to minimize the risks. The next thing is to DELETE your private info inside your accounts [emails, chat records, bank id, phone numbers etc]..

- zeek99dog - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Any account can be hacked,the less information you put on about your self the better,i dont use any of the apps,as that is a risk

- Priveazy - 11-09-2012 10:47 AM

Good question, and the answer really depends how you have your Facebook account set up. One of the best steps you can take to prevent anybody from hacking into your Facebook account is to enable "Full session encryption". Full session encryption means that "https" is displayed in the address bar the entire time you are on Facebook.

If you don't have full session encryption (by default it is NOT enabled), then someone can easily hack into your account when you are using Wi-Fi without even knowing your password or email address (especially over public Wi-Fi).

To enable full session encryption, go to the "Account Settings" page on your Facebook. In the left hand column, you will see a heading "Security", click on that heading. Next, you want to click "Edit" next to the "Secure Browsing" headline. Mark the box to enable full session encryption, and click "Save Changes".

To prevent hackers from getting in to your account, it is important to use a unique password for accounts like Facebook. Make sure that this password is only being used for your Facebook Account.

But these are just the most basic steps you can take to secure your Facebook account. is a great resource to learn more about how to protect ALL of your online accounts.