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Does this boy like me? - Printable Version

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Does this boy like me? - Halle - 11-09-2012 10:39 AM

I really need help! Ok so me and my friend both like this boy and here's what he did to us tell me if he likes us, one of us, or neither of us!

To me:
-Liked one picture on Facebook
-Messaged me on Facebook
-Touched my elbow while passing saying my name and my friends name (basically saying hi)
-Saying my name when he says hi to me
-Giving me a high five and when I placed my hand on his he grabbed my hand

To her:
-Liked two profile pictures on Facebook
-Saying her name when he says hi to her too (I heard from somewhere that was a sign of liking)

***Keep in mind!! That we are 8th graders and he is a 11th grader.
We are just both very confused !!!!

Thanks for any help Smile

- Dallas Mavericks - 11-09-2012 10:48 AM

No junior would date an eight ball, sorry not sorry

- Sheep - 11-09-2012 10:48 AM

He may like you. But he seems to embarrassed to say so. just remember, that if you REALLY,REALLY like this guy, you have to take your friendship into account. ask yourself who's more important and good luck ;D

- squareplane871 - 11-09-2012 10:48 AM

I really don't think he likes either of the two of you, unless you're out partying and drinking with the older kids. I'm a Junior, and we see the 8th graders as immature babies, as stupid as that seems (considering we were 8th graders 3 years ago... but whatever, that's how it is...). He's probably just flirting and hoping to get some action. I know that sounds kind of rude, but it's probably true. Do you actually know anything about this guy? Is he a jock? Is he a flirt? Is he kind of a... for lack of better words... nerd? Sometimes older boys who are desperate will seek attention from younger girls, but usually they stick around their own age group. You guys are a little young. Sorry to disappoint!

- elizabeth - 11-09-2012 10:48 AM

Ok, liking stuff on facebook is not really a sign of liking someone. It could be just in a friendly manner. When i say hey to someone and they say my name when they say hi back its just a respectful thing. I am also in tthe 11th grade, and a lot of boys that try to get with younger girls at the ages we are now just want a peice. He might like you both and is just wanting to see who pulls the first move on him but you never know, Just be safe about it an dont get yourself in something you dont want to be in. Good luck, Hope this helped you a little bit atleast.