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Can facebook ads tell us where the account has been logged in from? - Printable Version

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Can facebook ads tell us where the account has been logged in from? - Hairy Krishna Rama Ji - 11-09-2012 10:40 AM

Ok so I've been noticing for a few days that the ads on the sidebar of my page are showing stuff from Toronto, Ontario. Now I live in Asia, and I was aware that the advertisements that are shown are only local listings. And they do this by tracking your cache or cookies from your browser. I've only ever seen local ads on there before.

Could this mean that someone who lives in Toronto (I'm thinking my stalking-prone boyfriend) has somehow hacked my password (which I know he is capable of doing) and logged into my account?

I should also add that I have 2 other fb accounts. I tried logging in with them to see if I find ads from Toronto there. And I didn't. They were only the local ads that I normally see. It was only that one account that he was aware of that's been funny.

Can anyone help me with this? Before I accuse that no good bum of invading my privacy. Thanks.

- jabiilord - 11-09-2012 10:48 AM

It is possible for website to track you down i mean your IP, also is possible that your boyfriend could hack your account so just change your password.

Also try look at your computer for any keylogger (programs that record all what you type) (with an antivirus) this could be the way how he had founded your password or you had set an easy password like your name date of birth, pet name, or something that he know about you.