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How does Facebook benefit with privacy leaks? - Printable Version

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How does Facebook benefit with privacy leaks? - Allie - 11-09-2012 10:40 AM

Many people are claiming that Facebook are purposely trying to reveal users' information such as through the recommended settings and not notifying users' when they set everyone's privacy settings to the default mode hence people are sharing information they are unaware of. But if this is the case how is Facebook benefitting from it?

- jamie - 11-09-2012 10:49 AM

This is a good question
I think theres a lot of it out there, everyone wants to know something before they give anything away. I think they may be paid by someone further up the ladder to reveal or provide peoples personal information so it may be used against them in the future.
Theres a shift between now and then when people now are finding it the norm to reveal personal info to strangers/ organisations in the hope maybe its acceptable or cool.
Anyway heres another thing i was just trying to access wiki leaks at home here in australia and the site has been blocked, i cant read anything on the site.
This is the government stopping us seeing whats really happening out there and the truth. Its bullshit what right do they have to stop us seeing the truth.
Anyway, im not really into all the espeonage bullshit but my friend is and he knows heaps of websites to go to to research how the big companies are fully fucking us up.
I guess the only way you'll really know is if you get to a party with the founder of facebook and he tells you everything. If you cant beat them, join them.
James. Smile