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What should I do I can't think for myself? - Printable Version

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What should I do I can't think for myself? - Dereck - 11-09-2012 10:41 AM

Well there was this girl who I've just kinda known but we speak In lessons and stuff but recently she asked for my number on Facebook and we started texting and I actually love her like I can't say in words how much I love so we texted like everyday saying good night and I would be like good night beautiful and she would say she loved me and I was dumb enough to think she was brig serouse in school she would grab me ad walk like arms linked and say how she wanted babies with me and marry me becaus I'm like mixed race and So Is she and she said her mum would love me and that she wants to meet my mum and beasicly I like am obsessed with her but I was to shy to say it so she had this thing called and I started right some things I regret like I love you, you make my heart beat so fast your amazing an things like that and I did it most days and she asked me if it was me and said no but today she went on my iPhone and clicked safari and bang came up her and I pretended not to see and she started saying things like no way and I was like yeah what? Pretending I hadn't seen her on it and she said don't wory and all lesson she kept saying thing like I can't believe it out loud but the thing is she told like some people and yeah they starte looking at me and laughing but not tellig me why but i knew why... also i know she likes this other boy why do I do Sad any answers would be good cheers

- raja - 11-09-2012 10:49 AM

It looks she is a young immature girl who has not taken life seriously.To marry and have babies are all baby talk.You have taken her very serious that is why you say that you are obsessed with her .If you feel that she is really interested in you , talk to her and find out about it.The fact that she is interested in another boy indicates she is not much attracted to you now. It is better for you to maintain your friendship with her and carry on regardless.