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facebook photo privacy? - Printable Version

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facebook photo privacy? - SmartSweetSilly - 11-09-2012 10:41 AM

I am friends with a couple people, but I don't want them to be able to see the photos and videos that I am TAGGED in. I went to facebook privacy settings and updated the "these people can see photos and videos you are tagged in" part but that person can still see it on my profile!!! How can I do this without unfriending the person?
yeah i got it!!! THANK GOD! Thank you too of course!

- dannyboy2111 - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

Tagged Photos are Visible To Everyone By Default you Can Only Hide your Own Photos Why dont you just remove the Tag

- lisa w - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

That's a tricky one. I wish I could walk you through it, but I think you'd understand it better if you go under the "help" button on facebook. Even if you unfriend them, they can still share photos they tag you in and usually people copy them to their profiles. Not saying this has happened. If nothing else fails, all you can do is block the person. But before all else, read up on the help section. It has helped me more than other people giving me answers. Maybe someone will help you more here. Good luck. Facebook drives me nuts with their constant changes to photos. They made all photos public last month and had I not heard it on the news, I'd never known. Imagine all the people that don't know this yet. My advice also, don't post anything you don't care for all people seeing if you don't want to block them. Not much fun though, huh? Sorry! Note: Saw the above post, so you may want to check to make sure your photos are still not visible to the world. You have to disable that/change privacy settings, again.