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Can't get over my boyfriends past sex life? - Printable Version

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Can't get over my boyfriends past sex life? - Lua Rose - 11-09-2012 10:42 AM

I have brought it up to him before but I didn't want him to feel bad about it. Cause he lost it after dating her for two week then the same night she had sex with two of his friends ad broke up with him two days later. I understand it's not my buisness and I'm not going to bring it up to him agian. But it always makes me so depressed and I constantly look at her Facebook. I don't think shes that pretty but still... I don't know how to quit being bothered by it. I lost my virginity to him. And we've had sex many times but it's still bothers me... What do I do?

- Mary - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

there is nothing you can do
you are paying the price of a mistake
maybe you should learn something and raise the awareness of other girls

- Jay R - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

it sounds like you're more interested in her than you are in your boyfriend.

- Str Dancer - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

You forget about it, never mention it again, and move on. It can only cause problems with your boyfriend and yourself. After maturity very few people, male or female, come into a relationship "new". So, if he means anything to you, let it go.

- Jessica - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

There is nothing you can do. Just except the fact that he lost it before. I mean he lost it to some skank bag it looks like so he probably doesn't even really care about her. I bet he feels alot more connection doing it with you then with her. He does not want to think about her doing that to him he already knows. the past is the past and its put there for a reason. you guys are together now and you have the PRESENT and future. Right now, you are his present so why care what happened in the past? you will drive yourself insane if you continue to keep thinking about this. come on now, mature.

- Uniquegirl - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

just think its all in the past and your the special gf to him now

- Julia - 11-09-2012 10:50 AM

Everyone have sex, so it's logical that your boyfriend had sex before, so do you probably. Don't make it get in your head,and don't be so possessive, thinking about him having sex before he met you is like thinking about him having sex with someone after you broke up.