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How do you make your facebook profile picture unclickable? - Printable Version

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How do you make your facebook profile picture unclickable? - ♥ Matt Lanter ♥ 90210 ♥ - 11-09-2012 10:42 AM

i've seen friends on facebook that i can't click on their picture to comment/like and i'd like to do that with my profile pictures. how do i do it??

- foreverursbaby<3 - 11-09-2012 10:51 AM

Go to where it says settings then click on privacy settings. Click where it says profile then you can change you can picture settings. Then make sure you save it

- booze - 11-09-2012 10:51 AM

Go to your Photo Albums > On your Profile Picture Album, Select customize > You can choose from (visible to friends, specific people or only me)