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How to get Twitter followers? - Printable Version

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How to get Twitter followers? - Hehor - 10-01-2012 04:28 PM

Any advices?

- Hehor - 10-01-2012 04:36 PM

Ask your friends & follow people who say theyll follow back and if they dont... they dont desearve to be followed

- Judy.May. - 10-01-2012 04:36 PM

Search something you like in the search bar. Then there should be people who mention those things or are fan of those and then follow them, they will usually follow back.
Search your favorite actor, actress, singer, band, t.v show.
You can gain twitter fans, friends and followers this way.

- Alexandre - 10-01-2012 04:36 PM

You can post on facebook " Follow me on twitter @<name> " or you can follow many people one twitter as i have done and sometimes their followers will follow you (it worked with me)

- Lawrence - 10-01-2012 04:36 PM

either use a site like

or make more interesting tweets and promote your twitter profile

- quietwilderness865 - 10-01-2012 04:36 PM

follow mee @remyhaironly and i'll follow back .

- Guk - 10-01-2012 04:36 PM

You can use exchange sites to get free real followers like this one: The choice is yours.