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I feel so lonely, i hope someone can help me with this.? - Printable Version

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I feel so lonely, i hope someone can help me with this.? - Kevin B - 11-09-2012 10:43 AM

Hey all. This is very embarrassing to say, but i feel so lonely, and in fact am lonely. Im 20, and i just got out of a 3 year relationship. My life did revolved around her, and in the process i lost contact with friends because my best friend was her, and i really didn't care because i only wanted to be with her and she made me complete. Now she's gone and i am here alone. I try going out and making friends or talking to old ones, but i hate how everything works now, everyone is on their cell phones or lost in something else, i guess im just used to having individual attention from my ex, and how everything was, but it seriously does suck. I probably have maximum 70 friends on Facebook. 20 percent are bands, or entertainment funny pages, 10 percent are friends who have deleted their fb, and 38 percent are those ppl you just added a long time ago but never talk to you yet they are still there. I have this one girl friend who sometimes invites me places, and she's pretty, but oh man she's always stuck on her phone, you cant show her anything without her looking at her cell phone every 5 seconds. I tried to make something work, but honestly there is nothing there, and i dont like her at all, but i am really thankful she's there. My daily routine is going to college, come home, go jogging to the park, watch a movie/show, do homework, and listen to music the rest of the day until i fall asleep.Honestly i just feel like boyfriend material, i feel like i should be in a relationship, but i cant, i am not ready, its only been a month, but i just want to love someone and have her love me and give me all their attention and in return have myself devote to her. Then i become scared that i wont love again, i hope i make sense in what im about to say, i just dream of myself walking in the beach with "my girl" , walking in the rain with no apparent reason nor direction, just doing it because it feels right and i am with her, singing any song she wanted for her, falling asleep together or talking to her as she sleeps telling her how much i love her, just doing all these cute things i used to do for my ex. But i seriously become depressed when i see the kind of girls that are out there today, i seriously doubt i'll ever find this, and sometimes feel i dont deserve it. I dont understand, am not ugly, i have goals and am nice, i just wish there was a girl who felt the same, and she immediately felt trust for me and we just loved each other so much. I guess im weird, and i look for things that are odd, but i mean what is the point on being a "player" and start saying i have "swag,"-- oh man i can't believe i said this-- all i want is someone worth it, just give everything up for her, and have everything i do for her. I swear i dont get it, it seriously makes me feel like crying. I am not ugly, i am so mature, i have hobbies, and ready to give it all to a person who is worth it. The problem is not that i don't look, i look, and very hard, but you can tell what a person is about in a matter of minutes and i know i just wont find this. I guess im asking for too much, but i only expect to get what i will be giving, and then that's a lie, because what im looking for is someone that is simply worth it, that will understand me and take my love; i mean, is that too hard or to much? I dont even know what im asking for, or why im even writing this. I know im simply trying to get this out of my chest and see if anyone understand me. Today i just came back from going to the movies with the girl i stated earlier, and i told her this, and she only told me, "Well times change Kevin, i guess you just need to go with it," and that simply crushed my hopes, i took her home , and i went to the store and bought myself a juice, left out and sat in the dark on some bench, and i then thought of everything... i came to nothing, but the feeling of loneliness. I just hope someone comes for me and helps me be a better man. I've made mistakes, but i have learned from them, i have accepted them and become a better person for them. With this being said, i know i dont want tons of friends or any at all, i just want my real princess to come for me.

- Andrea - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

Oh dear.
Maybe you should try eHarmony or something like that.

- emitty - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've been single for like my whole life. Every guy I date only dates me for like a few days. I hate my generation. All the guys care about is looks. If you're not a size 4 guys just aren't interested. I've been lonely my whole life. I socialize with guys but none of them seem to take an interest in me. I don't even know why I mean like, people call me pretty, I'm not the skinniest but I do exercise every afternoon, I'm not a stuck up, self centred b!tch. It doesn't seem fair does it? it honestly feels like Gods punishing you for everything bad you've done in your life. I can't say I know how you feel and know everything in your life but I feel the same way.

I'm just sticking it out, I'm waiting for the real prince to come to me. I think I've found him but i don't know how he feels about me, guess this week will tell.

All the best goodluck to you! Smile ♥

- Jessica - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

Seriously lad.. i know you're going through a tough time and all but you need to get a grip. You broke up with this girl a month ago.. you hardly expect to find your 'princess' in such a short space of time. And you're only 20... I'm 19 and don't want to find my 'knight in shining armour for at least another 5 years. You're only young once, you have the rest of your life to spend settled down.

- Shannon - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

awww... you sound like the guy most girls dream about. dont worry, you will find your princess. its only been a month, you just need time to heal from your last relationship.
in the meantime, you should get a pet. You wont be as lonely when you are home and will have someone there for you to keep your mind off of things.
My dog died a few weeks ago and he was my best friend for 12 years so, I'm pretty lonely myself.

- Alice Hasacne - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

Not everyone can just find their true love just went through a break up give yourself a break. You're only 20 I'm sure she will appear soon. Get yourself together and stop reading/watching fairytales. go meet new people she's out there somewhere be a little more patient. Awh don't feel lonely I'm sure there is someone who cares