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I want to add a girl on facebook, but i don't want to be like a stranger or creepy? - Printable Version

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I want to add a girl on facebook, but i don't want to be like a stranger or creepy? - Altar - 11-09-2012 10:44 AM

I rarely talk to girls, because i'm shy. So i remember this girl from last year at school that i liked, but i didn't go talk to her. She was in my class. I remember she often say hi or hello to me. It was the end of school, thinking i'll never see or meet her again. I don't know how to contact her. I typed in her name on facebook and found her profile. I really want to add her, but i am really nervous on sending a friend request to her. She might not remember me, and i think it might be creepy if she saw my friend request and it would look like i'm stalking her, but i am not. I am interest in her for long time.

- Samantha - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

There's nothing creepy with adding someone on Facebook, after all.. It is a social network. So go ahead Smile

- Richard - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

you sound a little inexperianced i would try to send her a messege with the freind request saying hey i rememberd your name from highschool and i thought hey i wouldent mind getting to know you just dont be creepy and she wont think you are its that simple confidance

- Jack - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

dont add her, just show up at her house with flowers. and a crowbar if you need to get it.

- Nobody - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

Go for it. If you look at Her friends and it is pretty high ( over 300) she might just accept all friend requests even if she doesnt know the person. You should know who you are friends with though. I really think that if she noticed you and liked you a year ago she would remember. I remember all my crushes from when I was in preschool! Just go for it. The worst that could happen is that she ignores it.

- Michael - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

I was in the same boat as you like..3 weeks ago. The girl is currently in my class, and I just sent her a message like hey I don't normally do this but I thought I would try to find you on facebook, Im not sure if you even know who I am..but im in your class on tuesdays. Told her that I always wanted to talk to her but I guess it just hasn't happend yet. Worked out well, she wasnt creeped out and now we talk almost everyday. I know going up to a girl and like putting yourself out there can be pretty nerve racking so the facebook route is a much easier way of doing it. Good luck, and god speed my friend

- camera girl - 11-09-2012 10:52 AM

Add her. Include a message with your friend request, like "Hi! This is ___, remember me? you were in my class last year." That takes away the creepiness AND it reminds her of who you are (if she forgot). Though I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have forgotten someone she says hi to quite often. Smile