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what is up with the facebook and privacy issues? - Printable Version

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what is up with the facebook and privacy issues? - Ky - 11-09-2012 10:46 AM

ive seen so many articles on issues about privacy but many sources keep telling different stories from what i read. can someone just like, dumb it down for me? i seriously dont understand whats going on and whether or not i should delete my facebook.

- Buda411 - 11-09-2012 10:54 AM

I came here to see if anyone noticed the new settings, it puts the status you respond to in the newsfeed so you don't even have to click it anymore WTH. Basically EVERYthing you comment on shows up in the newsfeed on all your friends pages (not just mutual friends). I'm going to get to a point where I don't want to update ish anymore...

- Cynthia - 11-09-2012 10:54 AM

though i do not know much about facebook, i still suggest you not deleting your facebook." the opposites of love is not hate, but indifference." in my opinions, there should be no problem about the privacy issues. with thefacebook becoming more and more popular, i am sure there must more people choose facebook and love facebook.

- Joe - 11-09-2012 10:54 AM

The issue are honestly being overblown by the media. Facebook has done a pretty good job recently making changes to the settings. You can read about how to completely secure your account here: