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How to gain followers on twitter as a business? - Printable Version

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How to gain followers on twitter as a business? - darkmanx9292 - 10-01-2012 04:44 PM

I work at a University Campus store and I just created a twitter so students can keep up with sales and news for the store. As of now only 2 students are following. What can I do to get more followers? I feel as though it is hard because my target audience is limited to only students and faculty.
Also, I have read a lot of articles but I feel because I am part of a school, it is different. Does anyone have any ideas?

- Frank - 10-01-2012 04:52 PM

Don't use a service..thats just going to get you a bunch of followers that don't care about your store. Plus you run the risk of getting your account banned.

Why not post some notes or flyers around the school letting students know about your new twitter account? Also, I would post something at the checkout counter so as people are checking out they see it. You could also put a slip of paper with details about your twitter account into every bag after someone purchases something.

Are you planning on running any specials or coupons, then posting these on twitter? This could be a good reason for people to follow. Have your flyers etc say something like: "Keep up to date on our sales and specials we run, follow us on twitter"