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how is it easier for some people to get more likes on facebook than other people? - Printable Version

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how is it easier for some people to get more likes on facebook than other people? - Milan - 11-09-2012 10:49 AM

I know this guy who often gets 20+ likes on his Facebook status'. His posts are interesting enough, as he doesn't talk about what he ate for breakfast but I was wondering how he attracts all that attention. he only posts about every three or four days. it's like when he posts something, people are just waiting to like his status cause he gets likes in seconds lol. it's like he keeps them wanting more? whenever I post something, I don't even get close to what he gets, not that it effects me but I wanna know the "science" behind it. and we both have the same number of friends on Facebook and both have hundreds of mutual friends cause were from the same hometown. it's like whenever I see him post something, I'm thinking " aww no, he's about to get crazy "likes" for this" haha.. his last 5 statuses recently has gotten, 20, 25, 27,30, 29 likes.

- Ken - 11-09-2012 10:57 AM

Maybe he has a huge PAGE, people buy likes all the time.

- Gurpreet singh - 11-09-2012 10:57 AM

he would surely have good friends in real life which he added on facebook. this really affects that how many people like your status (and other stuff)
also it depends on your status being more attractive and tagging people around will be more effective and will surely help Smile

- Ketaki - 11-09-2012 10:57 AM

They hire digital marketing expert like me!! Big Grin you can considering posting a job on

- Violenthorse450 - 11-09-2012 10:57 AM

Most of the people like that, have a account on more sites like Youtube or Tumbler, then they will make a facebook page, or sometimes an accounts then farm likes from fans on tumbler and youtube, also I don't know if this is happening on facebook but movie stars and normal Bloggers can "buy" followers on twitter for real money then spreading their influence around the web very fast. With people like that it's very rare when that many people are legitimately fans of him from facebook, unless he as been around for awhile.

Hope it was helpful!

- Meika - 11-09-2012 10:57 AM

Maybe his friends in facebook are online longer than your friends, or maybe he is popular in the area he lives in at your hometown. Or maybe he is paying them to do it! (haha, joke). Perhaps they are his "followers" or something and they are just waiting to worship him more (another joke, sorry). Anyway, it's alright not to have many likes, I don't have many like either but my friends (female, by the way) are similar to the guy who gets likes in seconds, but they post every 10-20 minutes, unless they have to go to school or sleep (or go to the bathroom). Is he very popular? If so, then that might be the reason for the crazy likes. Have a good evening.