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Highschooler talking to college kids...? - David - 11-09-2012 10:49 AM

Ok I'm going to make this short and quick. I'm a 10th grader in high school, and I talk to a few college kids, mainly on facebook( We talk in groups and have common interests so I add them on my fb, there's nothing personal on there really so I add and make friends with a lot of people), and also at concerts and events I go to. There is this one particular person who I talk to on fb that lives locally and I haven't met in person yet, but has assumed that i'm in college. And I feel like it would be weird if I told that person I'm in high school......would it really matter if I was in high school? When I was a freshman last year I mostly hung out with juniors and seniors(yes I do have friends my age in my grade also) and I was one of the only freshman they liked. So i'm obviously mature for my age. So my question is, would it matter at all if i'm in high school? Do you think they would care? Thanks.

Also I'm a guy and this particular person in college is roughly 7 to 8 years older than me.
**If you were to see me in person you would easily think I was at least 19 or 20. I've gotten that a LOT.
Yeah, I knew I was going to get the "be careful what you say there's creepers" stuff, which is why I was reluctant to even mention facebook.

- PeaceLoveLaugher - 11-09-2012 10:57 AM

Personally I don't think its weird because last year when I was a senior in HS I did have a couple (like 3) freshman friends and always had fun with them. They are still my friends to this day and we have a lot of memories together. I'm friends with a freshman in high school now. I mean they are nice people so why shouldn't I be friends with them? I don't see why it's such a problem to other people when people that are 2+ years apart and are friends..As long as you are happy then it should be good. But I do understand with your point that some college students would not want to be your friend since you are in high school, but that is just judging you without really knowing you so they wouldn't be good friends anyways. There are people like me in college that would still be your friend Smile

- cherie wilkerson - 11-09-2012 10:57 AM

Yes it matters. You are a minor whether or not you are mature for your age. This person is in college and if they are a romantic intrest then it definitely matters a lot! We are talking legal ramifications.

If this is no big deal then you should be upfront and honest. Immagine if you saw a girl or guy and found out they were 12? Its only a few years difference but would you want to know?