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Confusion about a boy? - Printable Version

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Confusion about a boy? - Georgia - 11-09-2012 10:49 AM

Here's the thing... I have liked this boy for almost a year now. He doesn't go to my school, he goes to my athletics club, and it's unpredictable when he goes, so I usually only get to see him about once a week.
We don't talk aaaall the time. I get too shy and sometimes we don't speak at all at sessions, sometimes we speak quite a lot. I am just soooo confused about the signs, all these things on the internet confuse me, I mean how can I try to spot his pupils dilating!!??
I really really like him and any help is appreciated. Last week we went on a long run and we talked quite a lot. He then liked my photo on facebook.. And trust me he NEVER does anything to anyone elses profile, and is barely ever online. He voluntarily stands next to me in warm ups and is usually the first one to talk to me if we do talk. Some days we talk loads, some none at all. He barely ever talks to any other girls but me. He is also very shy btw.
Thanks for any help, much appreciated!!!!!:)xx

- Dustin - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

He likes you, You like him. Dont be so shy. Talk to him more. From what i see he woulden mind if you talked to him more at all. Youll kick yourself in the a** if you dont!

- monkeyMia - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

he totally likes youSmile if you like him, then ask him out hope this clears things up a bit

- ILikeBunny - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

I'm not sure if he really has a crush on you, but you can definitely tell that he at least values you as a friend (which is really good, it means he let you in).

- Preguntona - 11-09-2012 10:58 AM

Always be nice around him, try to talk as much as you can and get him to ask for your number so you could text. If you see him online on facebook you could chat with him.