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HIGHSCHOOL PROBLEM !? - Printable Version

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HIGHSCHOOL PROBLEM !? - Diego - 11-09-2012 10:51 AM

Okay this is my highschool Issue

Theres this girl in my 2nd period class
Shes cute and everthing
I talk to her during and after class, also i walk her to class sometimes
One time i asked her if she had a boyfriend she kinda smiled down and looked away then she replied saying "no."

Couple days later i check her facebook profile
And one of her statuses it said
"im glad im still with him nobody can tear us apart 7.15.2012<3"
And shit like that.

It says she single but she has no picture of the guy or has mentioned his name,
So she has a boyfriend.

But since the first day of school she has been looking at me during class , like quick glances and shit like that

But i still talk to her and flirt with her , but she doesnt do anything , she just goes for it and i can tell she likes me .

So my question is whatshould i do

Should i countinue flirting with her

or should i stop ?

- Janet - 11-09-2012 10:59 AM

Ummm well, make sure its clear she doesn't have feelings for old bf, current, crush..whatever it is..then after finding out, go for it.cause it would suck if you gave it your all and she only "play flirted back" ya get what im saying?? GOODLUCK WITH IT THOUSmile

- Kita - 11-09-2012 10:59 AM

She might not mean a boyfriend by that, you never know. I'd find out for definite, than decide what to do.

- Colton Molnar - 11-09-2012 10:59 AM

Shes probably a faker trying to get attention... go in for the kill anyways.

- Joe - 11-09-2012 10:59 AM

Stop, if she does have a bf and is hiding it. Also lying to you about it, dont forget that, how do you think she will be to you if you guys start talking? No different, plus it might start some shit with this bf, do you wanna get punched in the face? ( even if you win it WILL happen in a fight) also what if she doesn't have a boyfriend and is just a crazy girl who lies to herself to feel better about it? ( believe me people do weird shit)
Either way, it won't end up good.

- Petra - 11-09-2012 10:59 AM

Talk to her and just say like what was that status about because you said you didn't and stuff. She seems like a girl who either wants all the boys and attention or is just lying on Facebook? Just talk to her but don't hint your too interested. She will fall at your feet(:

- thingy - 11-09-2012 10:59 AM

keep flirting she could of been talking about a friend of hers cause they got in a fight id say ask her out if your sure she likes you but that's up to you

- Orlando - 11-09-2012 10:59 AM

I would continue flirting to her until you have 100% evidence she has a boyfriend.if she has one I would try to be friends with her. Plz anawer mine;_ylt=AjhcXKtSdyzpSfwRfHIvJdsM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20121027170811AAMaVrL