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How can so many people be so ignorant to join false Facebook groups? - Printable Version

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How can so many people be so ignorant to join false Facebook groups? - rusted_gut - 11-09-2012 10:53 AM

I get so angry at humanity. Seriously this is a human problem, Groups concerning a dislike button, free giveaways, Facebook themes, groups to keep Facebook free, and notifications when someone visits your profile.
Have you ever joined one, why?!
All of them had deactivated their walls, so no one can say it is a scam. And most use this scheme
1• Join this group.
2• Invite "all" your friends to this group.
3• Wait 30 minutes, 75% of your friends will join this group, you will see 1 new notification in your profile just like this/application will become active.

These groups have more then 500 000 members. people. Willing to believe they can have a better facebook, it's all about hope. They are trying because they think they have nothing to lose,they don't.
They invite their friends and if nothing happens they blame themselfs or their friends for not joining, the never give it a second thought. They see fault in themselfs but still join these groups. This is a very small thing, but showing a major flaw in humans, False trust,hope,blaming yourself, not thinking,joining because thousands of other people cant be wrong.
Anyone see the connection to religion here?

- balplaya4404 - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

How can soooo many people be so ignorant and even have a Facebook? I'd say 90% of the people with Myspace, Facebook, and even Twitter post personal info on their pages. So stupid.. All those sites are stupid and useless.

- kate - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

yeah and the ones saying we will have to pay for face book if we don't join
its all just chain mail but unfortunately for some face book groups/pages are addictive and they want to join as many as possible so they join and evan add all there friends.

take care x

- Naor - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

No connection to religion as all of the people I know are secular.
BUT I AGREE WITH YOU.. IT JUST HAS NO END! Even when they joined the same kind of group for the 10th time and it DOESN'T WORK, they keep joining! WHY? Sad I guess we'll never know

- Jim - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

The basic fact is that no one person can ever feel 100% satisfied with Facebook (or MySpace).
They are designed to suit the majority - not every single user.
I'm sure Facebook are aware of this Groups trend and have decided to ignore it on the basis that young people are like sheep - they will follow anything.
If one popular celebrity praises a new band that nobody has ever heard of, that band will have thousands of fans within weeks because somebody, just one person, whom young people already respect has expressed an opinion.
Aside from that, young people often join a group merely for the feeling of belonging. The phrase "get a life" is overused and misused, but the fact is that many young people are dissatisfied with their lives, and belonging to something, no matter how trivial, makes them somehow feel better about themselves.
Dr. Jim has spoken.

- Ed - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

Hmm.. I see nothing wrong about it and no connection on peoples' religions.
The only thing I see is that people want to believe or maybe, they just
want to join that certain group because it's interesting.. we'll, the only thing i see wrong
about this is when it involves your real life or that certain groups might ask for cash or money.

- unknownroad - 11-09-2012 11:01 AM

I see a connection in religion somewhat similar in the logic in their choices. I honestly don't think most people think for themselves that greatly, and highly barrow off other people's ways like parrots, and these ways trace back to someone who actually knows how to think for themselves. I don't think wrongly of religion in general, as some people need a guide to help them, just as long as they don't use it against other people. It's not just young people, there's a lot of older people who still think very much alike when they were probably even teens, it's ridiculous that they have not improved their logic in what... 20? 40 whatever years? Seriously, what's wrong with you people? But at least they're somewhat good at math, because they're very good at multiplying... and multiplying... and multiplying...