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How many privacy settings are there on Facebook? - Printable Version

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How many privacy settings are there on Facebook? - Karina Kagramanov - 11-09-2012 10:56 AM

How many privacy settings are there on Facebook and what are they? sorry. My mom won't let me have one unless I give her a "report" on it...Thanks.
By the way, she's a complete computer geek so I can't make a secret account because she will find out. I need a straight up answer!

- Rpodnee - 11-09-2012 11:04 AM

make a facebook anyway in secret, then tell her about all the amazing privacy settings. When she says yes continue to use your already created account.

- Tasha - 11-09-2012 11:04 AM

Since you're a minor they won't let you share information with everyone. The settings are network, friends of friends, friends, or just certain friends

You can do a combination of those settings. You can choose to share a specific thing like your profile picture album with anyone in your album, anyone that is friends with your friends along with your friends

You can also choose to share information with certain friends like your email address or any certain photo albums